About Ghana Welding Bureau
The Ghana Welding Bureau (GWB) is an autonomous non-profit professional institute created under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and the Petroleum Commission through the Accelerated Oil and Gas Capacity Building Programme (AOGC) of the Government of Ghana.
Mandate of the GWB

To promote the development of welding in Ghana to international standards

To ensure and maintain Ghana’s membership with international welding professional bodies

To advance the science, technology and application of welding and its allied processes in Ghana

The Ghana Welding Bureau (GWB) is an autonomous non-profit professional institute created under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and the Petroleum Commission through the Accelerated Oil and Gas Capacity Building Programme (AOGC) of the Government of Ghana.
The GWB was established to oversee the development of the welding industry in Ghana and provide certified and internationally trained welding professionals for the oil and gas industry and other sectors of the economy. The GWB pursues this objective through the creation of platforms for education, training, qualification, and certification of personnel involved in welding technology and allied technologies through the exchange of scientific and technical information.
Functions of the GWB
Facilitate capacity building to meet the demands of the welding industry
Ensure that Ghanaian training providers offer standardised training and qualification of welders to international standards
Facilitate the assessment and certification of welders practicing in Ghana
Facilitate the assessment and certification of welders practicing in Ghana
Enhance public safety through ensuring high quality and reliable welded structures
Ensure Ghana’s membership with international welding professional bodies;
Collaborate with educational institutions and industry to develop curricula for welding programmes

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Benefits of GWB Membership with IIW
⦁ Ghana can also partake in young professionals’ development programme and events to build the youth in Ghana in technologies related to welding and allied industry
⦁ Loss of revenues in oil and gas due to non-availability of internationally certified welders in the country would be a thing of the past since, there would be internationally qualified Ghanaian welders available in the oil and gas industry (IW, IWP, IWS, IWI, IWT, IWE).
⦁ Ghana can create a pool of trained and internationally certified welders who are immediately available to develop other sectors of the economy where their skills sets are needed.
⦁ It will contribute to Ghana’s industrialization drive
⦁ It will ensure safe working environment
⦁ Create employment opportunities
⦁ Help achieve Localization objectives
⦁ Ghana will become a collaborative global model of operation enabling technology, innovation, and transfer of skills in Ghana
⦁ GWB can build capacity in welding and other related joining professions in Ghana, to an international standard under the IIW Qualification System, to reduce the cost of training welders overseas.
⦁ Ghana will have a globally harmonised education, training, qualifications, and certification programmes in the welding industry
⦁ Ghana will be in line with the IIW Qualification System for personnel in the field of welding technology, for example International Welders (IW), International Welding Professionals (IWP), International welding Supervisors (IWS), International Welding Inspectors (IWI), International Welding Technologist (IWT), and International Welding engineer (IWE).
⦁ GWB can access and contribute to the collective knowledge of IIW including appropriate welding technologies for different economies
⦁ There would be a peer review of technical work and publications
⦁ There would be advances in work regarding health, safety, and environment
⦁ Ghana can adopt international standards in its welding industry
⦁ Ghana can partake in IIW events and networking worldwide to facilitate businesses development and economic activities.
Accelerate training and skills development of Ghanaian welders
Cost saving and retention to government
Support local welding industry and Contribution to Ghana’s industrialisation drive
Promote welding in Ghana
Help achieve Localisation objectives
Be able to issue international certification locally
Create employment opportunities
Safe working environment
Contact Us
C/O Petroleum Commission
P.O. Box CT228 Cantonments, Accra